Our expertise for your problem

High-level expertise is the cornerstone of AdCo EngineeringGW.

The company was launched in 2011 as a spin-off of the Institute for Computational Mechanics at Technische Universität München, one of the leading research institutes in the field of computational mechanics and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE).

The Institute for Computational Mechanics is one of the few research institutes in the world devoted to developing and applying computational methods over almost the entire spectrum of engineering applications, from solid mechanics to fluid mechanics to biomedical engineering. With AdCo EngineeringGW, this unique expertise will become available to you, as we apply these and other top-level research advances to your industrial applications.

Origin and History

Before the end of 2005, the two founders, Dr.-Ing. Volker Gravemeier and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang A. Wall, began discussions about launching the company now bearing the name “AdCo EngineeringGW GmbH”. The goal of launching and heading a company devoted to bringing the newest scientific advances both from the Institute for Computational Mechanics and the scientific community generally in a better and faster way to practical applications was shared by both founders from the outset. Their interest was, in part, motivated by the observation that small and medium-sized enterprises in particular often cannot leverage the tremendous opportunities which the most recent scientific findings in the field of Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) may afford.

The name “AdCo EngineeringGW GmbH“ together with the two implied company mantras “Advanced Computational Engineering“ and “Advances via Computational Engineering“ emerged at the end of the process of finding an appropriate name at the beginning of 2011. On April 13, 2011, the time had come: AdCo EngineeringGW  was enrolled in the German commercial register. Since the active start of the company on January 1, 2012, AdCo EngineeringGW GmbH is located at the Garching Technology- and Start-up Center “gate”.