We offer you services and tailor-made software for simulation and uncertainty quantification. Our specialist fields are
- The solution of particularly complex problems, such as multiphysics, and
- The technology transfer from academia to industry, particularly for SME to support their digitization initiatives.
You have found the right partner, if
- Commercial or open-source software is not sufficient to achieve the simulation results you desire or
- You want to harness the tremendous advantages simulations can provide to achieve your business goals
We enable your advances via computational engineering.
Why YOu ShoulD Come To US ...
… because we offer the Best for the Best:
Every day, you create top products for your customers. With high-quality predictive simulations, you are able to develop these products yet faster and cheaper at a yet higher quality. AdCo EngineeringGW offers you Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) of the highest quality and is devoted to ensuring that your business remain a crucial step ahead of your competitors: the best (from research) for the best (of your products).
… because we tailor our Solutions for Your Needs:
With “standard” simulation, all you can achieve are “standard” solutions. But you want more than that – you want the individually best solution for yourself. We provide a flexible problem-oriented solution approach where we use both time-tested traditional analytical methods as well as, where appropriate, the newest high-fidelity computational methods to solve your problems. For this purpose, AdCo EngineeringGW offers the following services:
- Complete project implementation,
- Individual software/code development,
- Comprehensive provision of CAE competencies,
- Consulting,
- Research and development,
- Education and training.
Depending on your needs, we provide any level of support you deem preferable: from consulting up to the complete top-down management of projects for you. How can we help you? Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our Solutions For You
We carry out the whole simulation process for your problem. In addition, we can offer you individual software-solutions to suit your needs, no standard solutions.
We provide advice by evaluating your particular problem and proposing various simulation approaches that would provide the insight you seek. As part of this, we would provide guidance concerning the pros and cons of each approach.
We offer you seminars discussing the most recent state-of-the-art advances in simulation methods. We may also provide in-house seminars on request.
Some OF OUr Clients and Partners

Further References
Over the past years, the shareholders of AdCo EngineeringGW have already successfully completed challenging projects with the following companies and institutions, for example:
- Airbus Defence & Space,
- Rolls Royce Aero Engines,
- The Linde Group, and
- various university hospitals (among others, University Hospital Aachen, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus at Technische Universität Dresden, University Hospital Freiburg, University Hospital Klinikum rechts der Isar of Technische Universität München, University Hospital Tübingen).
Areas of Expertise
In the following, we will introduce our areas of expertise. We will illustrate them exemplarily by some applications which are typical for the respective area and for which we offer simulation services and tailor-made software solutions based on the newest high-fidelity computational methods.Please visit also our special section on a particularly challenging multi-field problem, that is, Thermo-Fluid-Structure-Interaction (TFSI), showing pictures and videos obtained from our simulations of complex TFSI application examples. Given our proven track record in research and development as well as implementation and application of advanced computational methods, we can offer you far more than solutions achievable with commercial and open-source software packages. Our simulation services and tailor-made software solutions are based on our proprietary in-house CAE software. In any case, for an individual solution of your problem, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Learn more about our in-depth expertise in the areas of computational solid mechanics (CFD) , fluid mechanics (CFD), thermo mechanics, acoustics, scalar transport, and electromagnetism.
More on our broad expertise in simulating coupled multiphysics problems such as fluid-structure-interaction, electrochemistry, thermo-structure-interaction, thermo-fluid-structure-interaction, and poro-elastic fluids.
More about our expertise in the domain of uncertainty quantification, statistical model calibration, inverse analysis, and Bayesian optimization.
More information on the hardware related aspects of state-of-the-art simulation like high-performance or cloud computing, machine learning, and the numerical methods we use.
Below you see two challenging example simulations showcasing fully coupled thermo-fluid-structure-interaction simulations. All simulations were conducted with our in-house code, which allows for a monolithic solution of these multi-field problems.

The image above and the video below show the multi-physics simulation of a heat-exchanger. To show the deformation of the structure the fluid field is not fully displayed and only a few streamlines are shown.
New Simulation Technology for All-Solid-State Batteries
In collaboration with BMW Group and with the support from the bavarian state through the “Bayerische Forschungsstiftung” the project “FELIKS” will deliver crucial contributions to accelerate the application of all-solid-state batteries in order to reach the goals of the energy revolution. Advanced simulation approaches, which are one of the core competences of AdCo EngineeringGW, are the key to the understanding of this new kind of batteries.
Multiphysics Simulation of a CryogenIc Buffer-gas-CelL
The goal of this project is an improved understanding and optimization of cryogenic buffer-gas-cooling. When simulating flow inside the buffer-gas-cell, it is crucial to account for the variable density of the buffer-gas due to the high temperature gradients within the cell. Moreover, the molecular transport, which is coupled with the buffer-gas flow, has to be simulated.
Development of Contact Algorithms for Ansys
Since 2014 AdCo EngineeringGW works as consultant and developer for ANSYS, Inc. to further advance their Computer-Aided-Engineering software products. The collaboration encompasses several areas and currently focuses on mortar methods for contact mechanics.